KPA Committees and Task Forces

Committee Chairs are appointed on an annual basis by the KPA President. All members in good standing are invited to serve on a committee. If you are interested in serving as a chair or participating in a committee please contact us and complete the form below.

Members click here to join a committee 

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2025 Convention
Janelle McNeal, PhD - Chair

CE Program Development 
Brenda Bruckner, MS Chair

The CE Program Development Committee meets monthly (virtually) and also via a listserv, to brainstorm and plan for upcoming Continuing Education offerings throughout the state of KY.  Typically, a committee member is delegated to make contact with potential presenters, and eventually to facilitate the presenters submission of an on-line CE proposal form and vita.  Occasionally, committee members serve as moderators at CE events.   Finally, the CE Development Chair and/or Vice Chair attend quarterly KPA Board meetings in order to report their activity and stay connected to the needs of KPA and its members.

CE Review Committee
Leslie Hughes Burgess, M.A., Chair

The mission of the CER Committee is to review all CE proposals submitted to KPA for adherence to CE standards as formulated by the Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology (KBEP). Committee activities are typically conducted by e-mail. The committee’s goal is to act on non-problematic proposals within five working days. The committee typically reviews about one hundred proposals each year. 

Communications Committee

The purpose of the communications committee of KPA is to distribute current and accurate information to KPA members, and to serve as a consultative resource for KPA staff and divisions.  The committee is responsible for creating and editing the KPA e-Newsletter and The Kentucky Psychologist.  The committee serves as a consultative resource to KPA staff and divisions regarding website content and formatting and appropriate use of the listservs.  The committee meets quarterly via teleconference with interim communication via email.  All levels of KPA memberships are eligible to participate on this committee, which operates under the guidance of an appointed Chair.  This committee is overseen by the KPA Board and its actions are subject to Board approval.   

Early Career Psychologists
Catherine Veillon, PsyD

The Early Career Psychologists committee caters to psychologists and master’s level clinicians who are KPA members and who have earned their terminal degree within the past ten years.  The purpose of the committee is to provide resources and support for these individuals in order to encourage their professional development and involvement in KPA. Activities include networking socials, the mentorship program, facilitating the formation of peer supervision groups, and providing information and resources pertinent to members’ development.  

Ethics Committee
Joel D. Goodrich, Psy.D.

The Ethics Committee is dedicated to assisting psychologists in maintaining ethical conduct at the highest professional level. Our primary focus is education and consultation; thus, we do not adjudicate ethical complaints brought against psychologists. Our ongoing educational activities include presenting on ethics at the KPA Convention each fall, writing ethics articles for the Spring and Fall issues of the KPA newsletter and providing ethics presentations for universities, organizations, and groups of psychologists around the state. Our ongoing consultation activities include responding to online ethical consultation requests from KPA members by disseminating the request to committee members for their input and then compiling their feedback into one helpful response and responding to verbal requests for ethical consultations by the same procedure. The Ethics Committee generally meets four times a year, usually on a Friday morning in January, April, July, and October. We have two spaces on the committee for interested graduate students and our students usually serve for twelve months beginning July 1st. 

Finance Committee
Pam Cartor, Ph.D., Chair

The Finance Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Psychological Association to assist the Board in its general oversight of KPA’s financial performance, position, and use of assets.  

Collin Davidson, Ph.D., Chair

The Membership Committee is made up of current Board members and focuses on member recruitment and retention.

Public Issue Response Committee (PIRC)
Patti Weiter PsyD, Chair

PIRC is responsible for gathering member inquiries on public issues, evaluating the appropriate response, and coordinating follow-up on those issues. The PIRC shall be comprised of the following members:

Executive Committee (President, Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer), plus 4 KPA Board Representatives (Diversity, Early Career, Graduate Student, APA Council), and Director of Professional Affairs (To also serve as liaison with Legislative Advisory Team)

Newsletter Editor
Chris Dewhurst, Psy.D.

Task Force and Work Groups

Advocacy Committee
Cay Shawler, MA, Chair

Federal Advocacy Coordinator/ Government Relations
William Stoops, Ph.D.

PAC Development Task Force
Felicia Smith, Ph.D., Co-Chair
Joe Edwards, Psy.D., Co-Chair

Want to join a KPA Committee?

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