CE Registry

Purchasing or renewing a subscription to the CE Registry in on a temporary hold. If you are currently subscribed to the CE Registry, your subscription is still active. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the KPA Central Office at [email protected] or call (502) 894-0777.

Because you have better things to do with your time than more paperwork!

Never worry about trying to keep track of all those CE certificates again!  When you join the KPA CE Registry, we take care of all the details (and headaches) for you.                                                                                                                                                              

"Thanks for offering this CE Registry Service - it's one of the handiest things to have - much appreciated!" - Bill Rigby, PhD 

How the CE Registry Works

  • KPA will create and maintain an individualized listing in the CE Registry that covers all of your continuing education activities. You can access this listing at any time through your KPA member profile!
  •  All CE credits earned at KPA sponsored or Co-sponsored events are automatically entered into the registry. You need do nothing more!
  • For continuing education credits earned from other sources, all you need to do email a copy of the original CE certificate to k[email protected]. A KPA staff member will then update your registry with your new credits.
  • KPA may only accept CE credits issued by an approved provider as defined under KRS 319 (Psychology Licensing Law), or if the specific program was approved by the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology (KBEP). 
  • When it’s time for your licensure renewal, you just pull up your CE Registry and enter your credits into the KBEP system. At this time, we are not able to directly load CE credits into the KBEP license renewal system.
  • Subscription fees are based on the standard three-year Kentucky license renewal cycle. KPA Members pay only $150 for a complete licensure cycle (3 years). Non-Members can join for $225 per renewal cycle.
  • Subscriptions are based per the renewal cycle, regardless of the time remaining until renewal. Additional fee of $60 applies if less than 3 months remain until renewal date.

Don't you have better things to do than more paperwork?  Quit worrying about tracking CE's again!


The Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology online licensure renewal instructions can be on the Board's website (psy.ky.gov).