The Kentucky Psychological Foundation, the educational arm of KPA, will be providing ongoing public education on gun violence and a resource list for anyone seeking help or information. This effort is directly tied to our mission: to build a psychologically healthy Kentucky through psychological science, social engagement, integrity, care and compassion, health and well-being in the whole population, equity and inclusiveness, human dignity, and the inherent worth of all. See here: 

How to Advocate

KPA will continue to advocate for policy changes to make our world safer and stop the onslaught of traumatic events. We will continue our work with state legislators and Whitney/Strong to implement a Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention bill in Kentucky. KPA is also committed to supporting federal legislation to address gun violence. One way to cope with traumatic events is to take action. If that’s helpful for you, please contact your legislators:  

Message to State Legislators: “Please support Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention legislation to address gun violence in Kentucky.” (Find your Kentucky legislator here)   

Message to Federal Legislators: “We have tolerated our epidemic of gun violence for too long. Please enact legislation to address access to weapons by high-risk groups.” (Find your U.S. Congress members here)